Effects of thinning Intensity on Growth of Pinus taeda Plantation 不同间伐强度对火炬松林分生长的影响
Study on Impact of Altitude on Growth Amount of Pinus taeda Stand 海拔对引种火炬松林分生长量的影响研究
The dynamic change of genetic parameters for growth traits of the first generation hybrids of Pinus taeda × P. caribaea in six years 火炬松×加勒比松F1代生长性状遗传参数的动态变化
Study on the Introduction Experiment of Pinus taeda Family on Low Massif in Middle of Fujian 闽中低山丘陵火炬松家系引种试验研究
Dioryctria rubella Hampson is a serious pine shoot and cone worm pest in Nanjing areas, especially to the young plantation of Pinus taeda. 微红梢斑螟是南京地区重要的松树蛀梢害虫,尤其对人工火炬松幼林危害严重。
Twelve-years test for Pinus taeda shows that significant differences existed in growth among different provenances. The averaged height, diameter at breast height ( dbh) and middle diameter for 12-year growth are 40.2%, 78.8% and 103% greater than those of Pinus massoniana. 通过12年的火炬松种源试验研究表明,火炬松种源生长性状差异极其显著,12年生平均树高、胸径和树高中央直径分别比对照马尾松大40.2%、78.8%和103%。
Influence of Inter-lumbering on Major Diseases of Pinus taeda 间伐措施对火炬松主要病害的影响
The Adaptability and Stability Evaluation on Introduced Families of Pinus taeda 火炬松引种家系的适应性和稳定性评价
Variations in wood chemical compositions among and within 10 provenances of 10 year old Pinus taeda are reported. 报道了火炬松种源试验林(10年生)木材主要化学成分含量的变异。
Effect of Forest Densities on the Index of Decline Disease and Soil Moisture Content in Anhui Pinus taeda Plantations 火炬松林分密度对衰退病和土壤含水量的影响
The Characteristics of Dormancy and Germination of Pinus taeda seeds 火炬松种子的休眠和萌发特性
Study on Modified Kraft Cooking of Pinus Taeda and Low Pollution Bleaching of the Pulp 火炬松改良硫酸盐法蒸煮和低污染漂白的研究
Seasonal Dynamic Study on the Amount and Nutrient of Litter of Pinus taeda Plantations in the High-Elevation Area 高海拔地区火炬松人工林凋落物量及养分季节动态初步研究
Pinus taeda Introduction Experiment and Fine Family Selection The selection of superior provenance families of Chinese fir 火炬松引种试验及优良家系选择杉木优良种源家系选择
Studies on Genetic Test and Early Selection for Introduced Pinus Taeda Families 火炬松引种家系遗传测定和早期选择的研究
The effect of site preparation modes on soil fertility and growth of Pinus taeda 整地方式对火炬松幼林地土壤肥力及生长的影响
Research on Comparison Experiment Between Pinus Elliottii and Pinus Taeda Growth 湿地松、火炬松生长对比试验研究
As a result, the height growth curve of Pinus taeda plantation is available for forestry production. 精度检验表明:用Sloboda树高生长模型拟合的火炬松人工林多形地位指数曲线可以应用于林业生产实践。
Analysis on Growth Characteristics of 27 Families of Introduced Pinus taeda in Lin 'an 27个引进火炬松家系在临安生长特性分析初报
Study on sprouting growth of superior families of Pinus taeda 火炬松优良家系抽梢生长的调查研究
Period Report on Study of Cultivation Model of Pinus taeda Timber Forest 火炬松建筑材林栽培模式研究阶段报告
Genetic Variation and Integrated Selection for Main Economic Traits of Half-sibs of Pinus taeda 火炬松半同胞家系主要经济性状的遗传变异及选择
Introduction of Pinus elliottii and Pinus taeda and Short-term Cultivation 湿地松、火炬松引种及短周期栽培
Studies on the Pinus taeda Fertilization Effect 火炬松施肥效应的研究
A Preliminary Study on the Plantation Biomass and Produce Structure of Pinus massoniana, Pinus elliottii and Pinus taeda 马尾松、湿地松和火炬松人工林生物量与生产结构的初步研究
Relationship between physiological and biochemical index of Pinus taeda and its growth traits 火炬松生理、生化指标及其与生长性状的关系
Analysis on typical correlation between the growth and its environment factors of Pinus taeda Linn. in Fujian Province 福建省火炬松生长与环境因子的典型相关分析
The results showed that the viability of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Pinus massoniana could be determined by this method and the viability of pinus taeda could not be tested by the method. 结果表明,用该法测定杉木、马尾松种子的生活力,所得结果与标准发芽测定所得发芽率之间没有显著差异;